E1 Release Plannig
Business Process Validation
Auto Released Features
Features Requiring Implementation
Communicaton Packages and Job Aids
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Compare Business Process Behavior for the same Input Data set across Preview and Sandbox tenants through automated Tools and Internal processes.
Evaluate Clients's workday Implementation and assess the Fit or impact of Features that are automatically released.
Conduct demos of Newly relased feautres that might require additional implementation after the new Release and consult the client for adoption of those features based on their readiness.
Provide Conscise User friendly material explaining new features with annotiations about specific impact to the client.
Exhaustive reports demostrating Business process bheavior as either same or different with new releases, highlighting the concern areas.
Demo of New Feautures in Client's tenant with Callouts to the impact on their existing processes.

Demo of New Feautures in Client's tenant with Callouts to the impact on their existing processes and the needs for adoption.

Tailered Material the cusotmer can use to communicate the changes to their users.